Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Draft Action Research Plan

Action Inquiry: How can the inclusion of ePortfolios in advanced English IV classes improve the students’ achievement on the AP and Dual Credit Exams?
Goal: On our campus, we have many students who enroll in advanced classes during their Junior and Senior years. Looking back at the final exams for AP and Dual Credit English IV scores, the student did not perform as expected.  To help the students be more successful on the exams, we brainstormed several ideas. In reviewing the suggestions, we wondered in what way the many different Web 2.0 tools might impact our students’ learning and exam scores. Since there are many Web 2.0 options, we narrowed our inquiry to, How can the inclusion of ePortfolios in advanced English IV classes improve the students’ achievement on the AP and Dual Credit exams? We want the students to be engaged in the learning.  With engagement, the students begin to develop a deeper understanding of the material. Using ePortfolios as a way of looking at their learning, we also expect the students to develop and use 21st Century skills of collaboration, reflection and problem solving which should put them on the path to being life-long learners.

Rationale: Using the ePortfolio as an assessment for learning, students select the article and artifacts that will be included in the portfolio.  These items are used to tell the story of the students learning (Barrett, H. C., 2006). The students can reflect on their progress and request feedback from others to help them improve on the learning. This process makes the ePortfolio “a powerful tool for the new 3Rs, representation, reflection, and revision” (Acker, S. R., 2005). Using ePortfolios as part of the learning process, students will come away with a deeper understanding of the content and their learning.

Acker, S. R. (2005). Overcoming obstacles to authentic ePortfolio assessment. Campus Technology. Retrieve on November 29, 2010. Retrieved from http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2005/03/Overcoming-Obstacles-to-Authentic-ePortfolio-Assessment.aspx?p=1.

Barrett, H. C. (2006). Using electronic portfolios for classroom assessment. Connected Newletter. 13(2). Pp. 4-6.
Action Steps(s): Person(s) Responsible: Timeline: Start/End Needed Resources Evaluation

Analyze how students are currently learning / preparing for the exam. AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; Howard – CIT December 6, 2010 / December 8, 2010 Computers;On-line Survey; Paper and Pencil – for taking notes during focus groups Survey & Focus Groups – This information will be used to plan and design the ePortfolio activities and assignments.
Create the structure of the portfolios and the rubrics to be used by teachers and students to evaluate their learning and the portfolios. AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; Howard – CIT December 8, 2010 / December 17, 2010 Computers; Word processing; Wikispaces Account Evaluation of the ePortfolio structure will be on-going. Rubrics will be both for how the portfolio process worked and evaluating the content of the portfolio.
Compose and send home letters for parental permission for student work to be posted on-line*. *Students without parental permission will create an ePortfolio that will be posted on campus server. AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; January 4, 2011/ January, 2011 Letters, envelopes and postage Compile a list of students with permission/ without permission Phone calls to parents will be made for students who did not return permission form.
ePortfolio Process presented / begins. AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; January 13, 2011 / May 20, 2011 Computers; Wikispaces; Project outline; Rubrics; On-going evaluations through unit tests, rubrics, focus groups and surveys.
Final data collection from students AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; Howard May 23, 2011 / May 25, 2011 Computers; Wikispaces; On-Line Survey Survey; Focus Group
Data Analysis & Sharing of Results AP English IV Teacher; Dual Credit English IV; Howard August 1, 2011 / August 4, 2011 Surveys; AP Exam Scores Results will be shared with Administrative staff and English Department Teachers


  1. Joyce,
    Your action research topic looks great. I agree that the ePortfolio is a beneficial tool to know how to use. My son had to use this process for application to law school. It is a much different process than the normal paper application process. I think this will definitely be a great tool to be able to know how to use. I would also be interested in know how this helps in preparation for the AP exams. With the expense of college these days, (I have had three children in college at one time) passing AP exams will become even more important. I think being able to utilize this tool during both Junior and Senior years will be effective for help in the preparation process for college. It might even be beneficial to offer to Sophomore students that take AP exams when they are Juniors. This is a very interesting idea. I look forward to hearing your results.

  2. Joyce,
    I agree that your project has value and merit!
    We are pleased that you are focusing on student acheivement and scholarly writing.

    We look forward to following your work.

    Happy Holidays,
    Dr. Abernathy
