Attended the Saturday morning web conference. Looked like all of us had a rough week when you look at the video. Dr. Abernathy introduced us to Pamela, who is managing the TK20 site. Pamela was available for questions about the site. Dr. Abernathy reviewed what needed to be uploaded on the TK20 site for this class: Revised Pre-Production document handed in Week 3, the final PSA Video, and the site/document showing the collaborations that took place during Weeks 3-5. She also mentioned these are the items that need to be submitted by the end of Week 5 on December 16, 2011. Many of the students were sharing information about the resources they were using to complete the PSA video. There was some discussion about the Lamar assigned mentor that several of the students had. If you still need a mentor (depending on when you entered the program) you needed to contact Mr. Benivedez. The rest of the conversation was answering miscellaneous questions regarding the PSA video.
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